These foods can help you grow strong and healthy nails
Calcium and B vitamins are necessary for nail health. These 5 meals may strengthen nails.
If you have unhealthy, discolored, or damaged nails, adding these nutrients to your diet may help.
Calcium and B vitamins are necessary for nail health. These 5 meals may strengthen nails.
1. Eggs:
A big egg provides ample vitamin D. Vitamin B12, iron, and biotin promote fingernail thickness, and it's high in protein. Start eating this healthy cuisine daily and see the benefits.
2. Fish:
Proteins strengthen nails. A high-protein diet can improve health. Fish is high in protein, sulphur, and omega-3 fatty acids. This is for thin, fragile nails.
3. Leafy greens:
Calcium, iron, and antioxidants make green leafy vegetables nutrient-dense. Eating spinach, kale, broccoli, etc. may prevent brittle nails.
4. Oats:
Micronutrients are essential for good nail maintenance. Oats include copper, zinc, manganese, and B vitamins, which encourage nail growth.
5. Green Peas:
These tiny treats are filled with health benefits. Green peas are high in protein, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. This nutrient-rich meal strengthens and grows fingernails.