Spider plants, with their arching leaves and white stripes, are easy to cultivate in water. Baby spider plantlets from the houseplant can be left on long stems or cut off and shared.
Growing this lucky plant is believed to bring luck. Despite its name, lucky bamboo's spikes are really dracaena, not bamboo.
Pothos, a vining plant, may grow a foot in a month. Growing the houseplant in water rather than soil makes sense because it needs frequent watering.
Snake plant stems root in water. "A healthy stem can be trimmed from the base and placed in water," Roethling.
Philodendron is a popular soil and hydroponic houseplant. "This tropical plant comes in various varieties, such as the heartleaf philodendron, and it can tolerate low light conditions.
This water-growing plant is easy for beginners. "A lot of gardeners prefer saving cuttings of coleus to begin new before the next growing season.
Gardeners enjoy Chinese evergreen, a low-maintenance houseplant with vibrant colors. "Their cane-like stems—giving way to narrow, spade shaped leaves—are easy to grow in water or in soils.
Monstera, often known as Swiss cheese plant, is a beautiful hydroponic plant. "It has large, fenestrated leaves and can grow well in bright, indirect light.
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