12 Things Banned in the U.S. But Welcomed Worldwide
Cuban Cigars: While the U.S. has restrictions on Cuban imports, Cuban cigars are enjoyed worldwide.
Kinder Surprise Eggs: These chocolate eggs with a toy inside are banned due to concerns over choking hazards, but they're popular in many other countries.
Public Alcohol Consumption: Drinking alcohol in public places is generally banned in the U.S., but in many countries, it's a normal part of social life.
Raw Milk: The sale of raw milk is heavily restricted in the U.S. due to health concerns, while it's consumed widely in many other countries.
Unpasteurized Cheese: Certain types of unpasteurized cheese, like French Roquefort, face restrictions in the U.S. but are enjoyed in many parts of the world.
Absinthe: This high-proof spirit, associated with hallucinations, has been banned or heavily regulated in the U.S., while it's available in Europe.
Black Currants: Once banned because they were thought to harm the logging industry, black currants are popular in Europe for their health benefits.
Sassafras Oil: Once used in root beer, sassafras oil is banned in the U.S. due to carcinogenic concerns but is still used in traditional medicines and drinks elsewhere.