Lack of Reciprocity: You consistently take from the relationship without giving anything in return.
Selective Communication: You only reach out to the person when you need something and ignore them otherwise.
Manipulative Behavior: You employ manipulative tactics to get what you want without considering the other person's feelings or needs.
Conditional Friendship: Your friendship or interaction is based on what the person can do for you, rather than genuine care for them.
Taking Credit for Their Work: You consistently take credit for the efforts or achievements of the other person.
Ignoring Boundaries: You don't respect the other person's boundaries, pushing them to do things they are uncomfortable with.
Exploiting Vulnerability: You take advantage of the other person's vulnerabilities or weaknesses for your own benefit.
Lack of Empathy: You are indifferent to the other person's feelings, needs, or challenges.
Unrealistic Expectations: You have unrealistic expectations of what the person should do for you, without considering their own boundaries.