10 Healthy Foods to Help You Wake Up

Chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight weariness and speed up digestion because they absorb any liquid they are combined with.

Chia Seeds

Eggs are a fantastic breakfast option, whether hard boiled or sunny side up. The yolk is high in protein and vitamin B12, both of which promote energy. 


Breakfast staple oatmeal provides your body with slow-digesting carbohydrates so you don't crash later.


The cognitive fog is particularly acute in the mornings. Apples include quercetin, an antioxidant that protects brain cells from free radical damage.


Chocolate first thing in the morning? Yes! Just make sure the dark chocolate has at least 60-70% cacao. Cacao is responsible for stress relief as well as increased energy and attention.

Dark Chocolate

It's as easy as it sounds. Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up will help combat fatigue, especially if you're dehydrated.


Spinach is high in iron, a vitamin that transports oxygen throughout the body. If you have low iron levels, this could be the cause of your morning fatigue.


Peppermint has been shown to aid boost alertness and minimize weariness. Instead of coffee in the morning, try peppermint tea.


Protein, healthy fats, and fiber found in nuts can help raise energy levels in the morning. Because nuts are heavy in protein and fiber, they keep you feeling filled for longer.


Greek yogurt contains more protein than conventional yogurt, providing for more energy storage throughout the day. It also contains probiotics, which are believed to strengthen the immune system and energy levels.

Greek Yogurt

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