8 Dramatic Moments from High-Profile Air Hostage Situations
Skyjack of Flight 847 (1985)
The hijacking of TWA Flight 847 by Hezbollah members involved a dramatic standoff and the murder of a U.S. Navy diver, drawing worldwide attention.
Air France Flight 8969 (1994)
This hijacking by the Algerian extremist group GIA ended with a dramatic rescue operation by French special forces at Marseille Airport.
Delta Flight 841 (1982)
The plane was hijacked by a Lebanese terrorist seeking asylum in the U.S. The standoff ended when the hijacker was subdued by passengers.
Lufthansa Flight 181 (1977)
The hijacking of this flight by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine resulted in a dramatic rescue by the German elite unit, GSG-9, in Mogadishu.
Air India Flight 182 (1985)
A bombing orchestrated by Sikh extremists led to the loss of 329 lives. The investigation and aftermath were highly dramatic and impactful.
Singapore Airlines Flight 117 (1991)
Hijacked by a group demanding the release of Palestinian prisoners, the crisis ended with the successful rescue of all passengers by Singaporean authorities.
Pan Am Flight 73 (1986)
Hijacked in Karachi by the Abu Nidal Organization, this event involved a tense standoff and a high number of casualties, with dramatic moments of negotiation and rescue.
Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 (1996)
This hijacking ended tragically with a crash into the Indian Ocean. The dramatic and desperate struggle for control of the aircraft was widely reported.