You honestly don’t think you could hack the tequila, short skirts and missed lectures anymore.
And looking at Pinterest boards about shelves. God, what have you become?
But you’d rather have a handful who you’d do anything for, and vice versa, than a whole load of mates who you can’t really trust.
Who would ever bother to squeeze into that old pair of jeans or try on some leather trousers when these heavenly pieces of clothing waiting at home for you?
You’d much rather be lost on a desert island with House of Cards than with anyone you know.
It still terrifies the living daylights out of you, but at least you’ve stopped thinking you’re invincible.
The days of ditching family holidays to spend time with your friends are well and truly over.
There were times when someone could walk all over you and you wouldn’t say a thing.
There’s just not enough time in the working day to see all the friends you used to have.
And while their Facebook updates still annoy the crap out of you, at least you’ve realised that this, too, could happen to you one day.
Like gas bills, TV licenses and pensions. God, pensions!