Expired Medications and Supplements: These can lose potency or even become harmful over time. Safely dispose of them at a pharmacy take-back program.
Old Magazines and Newspapers: They accumulate quickly and rarely get read again. Recycle them instead.
Broken Electronics: If they’re beyond repair, recycle them properly instead of letting them take up space.
Unused Kitchen Gadgets: Items like bread makers or juicers that you never use just clutter your kitchen.
Excessive Decor Items: Too many knick-knacks and decorations can make your home feel cluttered. Keep only what you truly love.
Old Clothes: If you haven’t worn it in over a year, donate it. This frees up closet space and helps those in need.
Unused Furniture: Pieces that serve no purpose or don’t fit your space should be sold or donated.
Duplicate Tools: You don’t need multiple screwdrivers or hammers. Keep one of each essential tool.
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