15 Signs A Man Feels Lonely In His Marriage

Decreased Communication: He may communicate less frequently or avoid meaningful conversations with his spouse

Emotional Distance: He exhibits emotional detachment or seems distant, even when physically present.

Lack of Intimacy: There is a noticeable decline in physical affection, intimacy, or sexual activity in the relationship

Seeking Distractions: He spends excessive time on hobbies, work, or activities outside the marriage as a way to distract himself from feelings

Isolation: He withdraws from social interactions, preferring to spend time alone rather than engaging with his spouse or friends

1. Increased Irritability: He may display increased irritability, moodiness, or frustration, especially in interactions with his spouse.

Depression Symptoms: He exhibits signs of depression, such as low mood, fatigue, changes in appetite or sleep patterns

Seeking Validation Elsewhere: He may seek validation, attention, or emotional support from others outside the marriage