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15 Ways To Make Hair Grow Faster

For hair to grow, you need to eat a diet that is well-balanced and full of vitamins, minerals, and fats.

 Balanced Diet


For hair to grow, you need to eat a diet that is well-balanced and full of vitamins, minerals, and fats.

 Scalp Massage


Too much heat styling can hurt your hair and make it grow more slowly. Embrace natural styles.

Avoid Heat 


Get your hair trimmed every 6–8 weeks to keep the ends healthy.

Trim Regularly


Drink a lot of water to keep your hair and skin from drying out. This will help your hair grow faster.

 Stay Hydrated


Use healthy oils on your hair, like coconut oil or argan oil, to make it grow faster and shine more.

 Use Natural Oils


Don't wash your hair every day, because it can take away the natural oils that help it grow.

 Don't Overwash


Wear a hat or use a protection spray to protect your hair from UV rays.

 Protect from UV


Getting enough sleep helps your body heal and grows good hair.

Sleep enough


Tight haircuts can break your hair, so choose styles that aren't too tight and don't pull on your hair.

Tight Hairstyles


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