Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern
8 Healthy Night-Time Snacks That Are Satisfying and Sleep-Promoting
Almonds: A Nutty Sleep Booster
Rich in magnesium, almonds help enhance sleep quality.
Cherries: Nature’s Melatonin Source
Cherries, especially tart ones, naturally increase melatonin levels.
Kiwi: Sweet, Tart, and Sleep-Inducing
Kiwi’s antioxidants and serotonin can improve sleep onset and duration.
Bananas: The Sleep-Promoting Fruit
Packed with potassium and magnesium, bananas help relax muscles for better sleep.
Turkey: A Protein-Rich Sleep Enhancer
Turkey’s tryptophan content can help you sleep quicker and more peacefully.
Oatmeal: Comfort Food for Better Sleep
Warm and soothing, oatmeal’s melatonin and complex carbs aid in restfulness.
Greek Yogurt: Creamy, Dreamy Sleep Support
High in calcium, Greek yogurt aids in melatonin production and muscle relaxation.
Integrate These Snacks for Zzz’s
Incorporate these healthy snacks into your night-time routine for enhanced sleep quality. Remember, moderation is key.
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