Are Nuts The Best? Serving Quantities, and Health Advantages
1. Peanuts may restore biological tissues and protein functions. In 100 grams, peanuts provide 25 grams of protein.
2. The unsaturated fatty acids in peanuts may aid cardiovascular health.
3. Peanuts may prevent heart disease. Peanuts contain antioxidant resveratrol. Resveratrol prevents heart disease by preserving blood vessels.
4. Peanut lowers cholesterol. Peanuts contain phytosterols, which compete with cholesterol for intestinal absorption. Competing for dietary cholesterol can reduce absorption.
5. Peanuts may aid in weight loss. Monounsaturated fat, fiber, and protein in the legume decrease blood sugar and induce satiety, aiding weight loss.
6. Peanuts prevent type 2 diabetes. Peanut reduces type 2 diabetes risk in women, according to an American Medical Association study.
7. Peanuts may prevent some cancers. Peanuts include cancer-fighting phytosterols. Preventing breast, prostate, lung, liver, stomach, and ovary cancers with phytosterols.
Quantity Recommendation
1. Roasted peanuts contain 30 grams per Day. Two to three servings of beans and nuts are recommended daily by the food guide pyramid. We must assure diet diversity.
2. Peanuts have high nutritional and calorie content. However, peanut and peanut butter consumers have lower BMIs than non-consumers, possibly due to hunger suppression (Arya, Salve and Chauhan, 2015). .
3. Peanuts can be eaten daily in doses of up to a quarter cup to regulate calorie intake