Male peacocks dance and show their brilliant plumage to attract females. Courtship relies on brilliant colors and elaborate designs.
Male bowerbirds decorate their bowers or nests with bright flowers, feathers, or man-made goods.
Giraffe males "necking" each other utilize their long necks to swing their heads and necks. Winners typically get to mate with women.
Fireflies court via bioluminescent signals. Males flash light, and females reply in patterns. Synchronization causes mating.
Male dancing flies give females prey as a "nuptial gift". Quality of gift affects female partner choice.
Male honeybee drones form "drone congregations." They attract queens via pheromones.
Male birds-of-paradise parade with brilliant plumage, unusual calls, and complicated dances. They perform visually stunningly to attract women.
Male pufferfish flail their fins to form intricate underwater "crop circles" to attract mates. The female checks the pattern before laying eggs.