Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast, but it may cause gas later in the day. Fiber-rich oats might induce flatulence in some people.
Seeds, often overlooked, create flatulence. They contain too much fiber for our bodies to process.
Beans are the quintessential farty food. Oligosaccharides, complex carbohydrates, are difficult for digestive enzymes to break down.
Lentils are another gas-causing pulse, like beans.FODMAP-rich lentils are high in fiber.
Broccoli is a traditional gassy food. Gas-inducing chemicals abound in cruciferous vegetables.
The two-thirds of the world with lactose sensitivity may have problems digesting milk without flatulence.
Raffinose in cauliflower causes gas. Roasted cauliflower goes well with white rice or lean meats like chicken or salmon.
Pesky cruciferous veggies! Cabbage also causes intestinal bubbles. Gas suffers from its fiber and raffinose.
Some cheeses cause gas and bloating in lactose-intolerant people. But don't give up cheese! Swiss or cheddar, low-lactose hard cheeses.
Avoid awkward gas post-snack. Check granola and protein bar ingredient labels. Many have gaseous filaments.