Signs Someone Is Thinking About You Spiritually

Randomly sneeze

In many Asian traditions, a sneeze implies someone likes you. Two sneezes indicate bad sentiments about you, while three indicate love.

Ears burn

Your body often reacts without you knowing why. Ears often burn for no cause. Thus, burning ears are a widespread superstition that someone is talking about you.

Random hiccups occur

Russian tradition says a random hiccup attack signifies someone is thinking about you. hiccups induced by someone thinking about you can only be cured by speaking their name.

Eyes twitch

How often has an eye twitched randomly? The abrupt itch or twitch often seems unrelated. Eye twitching has various cultural and superstitious implications, including someone thinking about you.

You feel touched

Being alone and feeling like someone is touching you is creepy. But don't worry—this might be a spiritual sign that someone is thinking about you.

Dreaming about someone

Dream interpretations depend on the dream and your life. Dreaming about someone could mean they're thinking about you in real life.

Your moods fluctuate

Sometimes mood swings have no medical explanation. Mood swings may be your body's response to being in someone else's thoughts. Your mood swings because of that person's thoughts about you.

Suddenly choking on food

If you choke while eating, someone is thinking about you. It's believed that someone's ideas about you cause mental strain, making swallowing harder.

Butterfly lands on you

Butterflies symbolize spirituality. A butterfly landing on you is supposed to symbolize a deceased loved one is thinking of you.

White feather

If you find a white feather while thinking of someone, they're thinking of you too. White feathers are associated with angels and the afterlife, so discovering one may signal a deceased loved one is thinking of you.